As a club member you’re able to reserve a show tank, which will allow you to lock in the price of a show tank for your use.
The cost of a tank for the 2024 Koi Show will be $150. You can help our club raise funds and help yourself by locking in a great rate by reserving a tank for $300 allows for you to have the tank reserved for the next 3 years. When you reserve a tank, you can use that tank to enter your fish for the koi show (note the number of fish in the tank must be within the show guidelines) for no additional cost to you, while your reservation is effective. Please note that if you fall out of good standing (meaning you let your annual dues lapse) or the Rocky Mountain Koi Club ceases to exist during the reservation period, this agreement is null and void with no credits, financial or otherwise due to any party. If, for any reason, a koi show is cancelled, the reservation period will pause and resume the year the next show takes place.
Reservations are not transferable to another party and a year cannot be skipped if you chose not to use it.